General terms

We are at your disposal for preparing of any tax opinions and answers to any of your questions related to tax topics covered by the scope of:

CITA (Corporate Income Tax Act), PITA (Personal Income Tax Act), VATA (Value Added Tax Act), ETSA (Excises and Tax Stores Act), LTFA (Local Taxes and Fees Act).

Our experts will provide to you competent opinion on any tax case related to the tax treatment of private use of company assets, tax depreciations, corporate tax advance payments, tax deductible and non-tax deductible expenses pursuant to the CITA (Corporate Income Taxation Act); transformation of the tax financial result, fixing of errors using of tax credit following the order of VATA (Value Added Tax Act), making intra-Community supplies and acquisitions, taxable and exempted supplies in the sense of VAT, payable taxes on real estate transactions, as well as specific trade deals at sale, merger, acquisition and transformation of business companies.

We offer to your attention our expertise and procedural assistance regarding the implementation of agreements for avoiding of double taxation, tax treatment upon payment of earnings of non-resident foreign persons; withholding and declaration of withholding tax, exemption from tax withholding and recovery of withholding tax; establishing of tax status and tax liabilities to non-resident foreign persons.

We are ready to share our experience and practice and provide clarification on

implementation of the provisions of TIPC /Tax-Insurance Procedure Code/, both during tax audits and inspections by the tax administration and the initiative of clients in cases related to overpaid tax, imposed precautionary measures, fiscal control, provide information on the Savings Directive, and exchanging of financial information by financial institutions providing information under TIPS for the purposes of FATCA.

Our team in partnership with the law firm Balkanski & Partners provides services related to tax protection, preparing objections and appeals against acts of tax authorities, representation in administrative and judicial phase.

Through our electronic request form, you can use online consulting service according to your fundamental inquiries on tax subjects, to which will receive competent and quick answers. The inquiry form would provide you fast and secure way to order your individual consulting and advice related to any tax case that requires either meeting or review/analysis of any documentation relevant to the particular case. Should you need our assistance or advice for creating of a reasoned defense on particular tax issue, act or action of tax authorities, our request form again gives you opportunity for a fast connection with us through the tax protection service.